Protecting Your Way of Life

Leaving no stone unturned in pursuit of justice and ensuring the safety of our community. Together, we will strengthen the foundation of law and order, upholding the highest standards of justice in Pinal County.

Brad Miller posing for campaign photos

Protecting Your Way of Life

leaving no stone unturned in pursuit of justice and ensuring the safety of our community. Together, we will strengthen the foundation of law and order, upholding the highest standards of justice in Pinal County.

Meet Brad Miller for Pinal County Attorney 2024

Secure the Border


Funding for Police

Reduce Crime

Brad Miller Speaking with Voters

When Your Kids Grow Up Will They Recognize Pinal County?

As we look around our great nation, we see individuals funded by Soros becoming top prosecutors, resulting in the release of criminals, while law-abiding citizens are prosecuted unfairly. It is concerning that the "defund the police" movement is not only a trend in select cities such as San Francisco or Seattle, but is becoming more prevalent in Arizona. It has come to our attention that Governor Hobbs has associated herself with extremist groups like Living United for Change in Arizona, aiming to defund police departments and abolish our border patrol entirely. In light of these unsettling developments, it is crucial that we elect a proficient leader in Pinal County who will boldly confront our Governor and prioritize the safety of our citizens.

Brad Miller for County Attorney Logo

An Accomplished Leader That Will Stand Up to Our Governor and Fight For Your Safety

Brad Miller for County Attorney Logo

An Accomplished Leader That Will Stand Up to Our Governor and Fight For Your Safety

Brad Miller at Town Hall
The Issues

And Where I Stand

In the course of the last eight years, Pinal County has witnessed a steady rise in criminal activities. It is, indeed, disheartening to note that drug-related cases have skyrocketed, constituting nearly 40% of all cases reported. Methamphetamine and fentanyl, in particular, have become ubiquitous constituting up to 80% of these drug cases. The presence of such deadly substances in our communities is the direct consequence of lax border enforcement and weak crime policies. Adding to this precarious situation is the fact that violent crime in Pinal County has spiked by over 50% in recent years, hitting record highs. As your elected representative, I pledge to direct my efforts towards offering better training to our police investigators and enhancing the prosecutorial strategies employed by our attorneys, in order to secure more convictions.

The second amendment was given to us by the founding fathers as a way to protect ourselves against tyranny, not just for fun. The governor and democrats want to take away your right to defend yourself, while at the same time reducing the power of the police. But anti-gun laws are not popular, so they use regulations to take your rights away. We need an attorney in Pinal County who will fight these unjust laws that are hurting your rights. I will protect your right to own a gun!

Traffickers of methamphetamine and fentanyl are poisoning our communities. These deadly substances communities is the direct consequence of lax border enforcement and weak crime policies. Adding to this precarious situation is the fact that violent crime in Pinal County has spiked by over 50% in recent years, hitting record highs. As your elected representative, I pledge to direct my efforts towards offering better training to our police investigators and enhancing the prosecutorial strategies employed by our attorneys, in order to secure more convictions.

The implementation of woke policies in our schools and government is leading our great nation towards socialism. These policies, which include harmful anti-American indoctrination and dubious sexual education are driven by extreme leftist ideologies. Such policies are being pursued via a framework known as ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance).

Such woke policies have already found their way into Pinal County, where federal grants come with strings attached, forcing the people of this county to comply with the social policies being dictated from the World Economic Forum and Washington D.C. Our fellow citizens in Pinal County deserve an attorney who will stand tall and provide a voice for parents and elected officials, allowing them to make informed decisions based on unbiased information.

Funding the police is an essential pillar of community safety. Police departments require adequate financial support to hire and train capable officers, secure necessary equipment, and maintain basic facilities. Defunding the police not only undermines such important measures but also endangers community members. Adequate funding allows police departments to increase their presence in the area, react faster to emergencies, and reduce crime. Therefore, it is vital to support our law enforcement professionals and provide them with the resources needed to protect and serve our communities. As your elected representative, I will work tirelessly to ensure that Pinal County receives the necessary funding to maintain a well-equipped and highly trained police force, prioritizing community safety above all else.